.. _merging_tags: Merging tags ############ Merging tags is the process of combining the file :term:`intersection` represented by one :term:`tagpath` into another tagpath. The basic idea is that renaming a tagdir only applies to the files captured by the tagpath's intersection. For example, in the following structure: .. code-block:: t1/ b.pdf t2/ a.pdf t3/ t4/ c.pdf If we rename ``t1/t2/`` to ``t3/t4/``, we end up with the following structure: .. code-block:: t1/ b.pdf t3/ t4/ c.pdf a.pdf The result is that ``a.pdf`` (and not ``b.pdf``) was untagged by ``t2`` and then re-tagged as ``t3`` and ``t4``. It can be confusing at first, but when you think about it, there is an intuition behind it. File browser GUI ****************** Select the tag in your file browser and perform the operation required to rename it. Now rename it to the tag you wish to merge it into. .. note:: If you're merging in the file browser, you will only be able to rename into a *single* destination tag, whereas other methods allow you to rename into multiple destination tags at once. mv ********* In the collection, simply move the tagdir to the name to the full destination path: .. code-block:: bash mv /mnt/myfiles/pdf_documents /mnt/myfiles/pdfs Everything tagged with ``pdf_documents`` will now be tagged with ``pdfs`` instead. tag binary ******************* .. code-block:: bash tag mv pdf_documents pdfs