.. _installation: Installation ############ Use the :ref:`Normal ` method if you just want to try Supertag. If you're interested in development and contributing to the project, use the :ref:`Development ` method. .. _normal_install: Normal ****** This will install the Supertag binary and set up all dependencies for you. MacOS ===== The following has been tested on MacOS 10.15 (Catalina). First, if you don't have Homebrew installed (you should!), install it: .. code-block:: bash /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" Now install `OSXFuse `_. Supertag is built on the `FUSE `_ platform, and OSXFuse is MacOS's port of it: .. code-block:: bash brew cask install osxfuse .. note:: You may need to go to ``System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> General`` and click "Allow" for "Benjamin Fleischer" to complete the installation of OSXFuse. Benjamin Fleischer is the author of OSXFuse, and OSXFuse needs to be explicitly confirmed as trusted software. Finally, you will need to reboot to enable the kernel extension, although I was able to use Supertag on a fresh Catalina without reboot. YMMV Now you're ready to install Supertag: .. code-block:: bash brew install amoffat/rnd/supertag Linux ===== The following `AppImage `_ works on all major Linux distributions: .. code-block:: bash curl -Ls https://github.com/amoffat/supertag/releases/latest/download/supertag-x86_64.AppImage > tag sudo install tag /usr/local/bin .. _dev_install: Development *********** This will set up the Supertag repository on your computer and get the development environment ready. Common ====== Whether you're installing on MacOS or Linux, you'll need to do the following setup. Grab a copy of the Supertag source code from Github: .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/amoffat/supertag.git MacOS ===== Dependencies ------------ Make sure you have Homebrew installed: .. code-block:: bash /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" Now install `OSXFuse `_. Supertag is built on the `FUSE `_ platform, and OSXFuse is MacOS's port of it: .. code-block:: bash brew cask install osxfuse .. note:: You may need to go to ``System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> General`` and click "Allow" for "Benjamin Fleischer" to complete the installation of OSXFuse. Benjamin Fleischer is the author of OSXFuse, and OSXFuse needs to be explicitly confirmed as trusted software. Finally, you will need to reboot to enable the kernel extension, although I was able to use Supertag on a fresh Catalina without reboot. YMMV Now install all of the necessary dependencies listed in the official Supertag formula: .. code-block:: bash brew install --only-dependencies amoffat/rnd/supertag Linux ===== Dependencies ------------ Install Rust: .. code-block:: bash curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh Now install some basic dependencies for building: .. code-block:: bash sudo apt install \ build-essential \ libfuse-dev \ pkg-config \ clang \ llvm \ libsqlite3-dev \ cmake